Remembering United States Lines S/S United States' Maiden Voyage.

RXR Reality's Artists Rendering of the S/S United States after it is jubilantly restored.
RXR Reality's Artists Rendering of the S/S United States after it is jubilantly restored.

Today marks the 68th anniversary of the maiden voyage of the SS United States of United States lines. The ship left New York on July 3, 1952 with a full complement of passengers. The ship broke the prior speed record for the transatlantic crossing taking the blue ribbon away from the queen Mary. Yes if United States was the fastest  ship to ever cross the Atlantic at 35.92 knots. The SS United States remained in service until 1969 at which time she was laid up. Numerous plans to reactivate the ship never materialized and the ship has remained idle and stripped of her interiors. 

To date, the 55,330 GRT, SS United States is the largest passenger ship to be built entirely in the US. She was built in 1950 into 51 at a cost of over $79 million at the Newport News shipbuilding and drydock company. Measuring 990 feet long, 101 1/2 feet wide and a draft of 31 feet the ship was the symbol of prestige and national honor for the United States.

The ship is currently laid up in Philadelphia, and owned by the SS United States Conservancy. There are current plans with RXR Reality to refurbish the ship and use her in a stationary roll. Plans call for the ship to offer hotel rooms as well as a museum celebrating the ships history and shops restaurants movie theaters and other attractions for visiting public to enjoy. The ship will be surrounded by gardens and walking paths and RXR states that many cities including Boston New York Philadelphia Miami Seattle San Francisco Los Angeles and San Diego Have expressed an interest in the project. We anxiously await further details on renovation work and the City chosen to house this great ship.

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