OFF TOPIC: New York City Department of Transportation Launches New Staten Island Ferry

Off topic, In an effort to replace its aging fleet - the New York City Department of Transportation has ordered 3 new Staten Island Ferries.  Eastern Shipbuilding Group, Inc., Panama City, Fla reports that its Allanton shipyard last launched the SSG Michael H. Ollis, the first of three 320 ft Ollis Class ferries for the Staten Island Ferry Division of New York City’s Department of Transportation (NYCDOT). The launch took place in November 2019.

The ferry is named for Staten Island native Army Staff Sgt. Michael H. Ollis, who was killed in Afghanistan on August 28, 2013, when he stepped into the path of a Polish officer, blocking him from the suicide vest of an insurgent who had raided Forward Operating Base Ghazni. Ollis was 24 years old.

 The three Ollis Class double-ended 4,500 passenger ferries, are being built to an Elliot Bay Design Group design.


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