S/S United States Has the Interest of Crystal Cruises.

As you know, Crystal Cruises has announced that they are interested in potentially acquiring the S/S United States for further cruise service. At this time, Crystal Cruises is funding the layup fees (berthing and security costs) associated with retaining the liner at her Philadelphia berth.

The one time great transatlantic liner was the fastest liner afloat and still holds the record today. Competition from airlines and high wages for her crew made her operation uneconomical and in 1969 she was withdrawn from service. The S/S United States was laid up in originally  in Norfolk, Va and later Philadelphia (after all of her interiors had been gutted in Turkey including the removal of vast amounts of asbestos). The intent was to return the ship to the US and have her restored to the Grand Liner she once was.

More details are expected to be released, as the Crystal Cruises team of Naval Architects and designer look at the current state of the ship and determine the feasibility of restoring/enhancing the Super-liner.

Below is a conceptual  artists rendering of the renovated liner after the ship has been restored
Crystal Cruises Proposed Restoration of the S/S United States
Crystal Cruises Proposed Restoration of the S/S United States

Stay tuned here for more updates and cruise news.

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