Cuba Cruises Halted as Political Tension Increases.

Carnival Cruises Ship in cuba now impacted by the travel ban to cuba
Carnival Cruise Line Ship in Havana when US and Cuba were on better terms.

In a change of direction, the United States government has banned all education exchange travel between the United States and Cuba.

The US government was allowing cruise lines and air travel to Cuba for Cultural and People to People learning events. In a snap decision the US government halted all travel between the two countries sending the cruise lines into a scramble to find alternate ports, offer discounts and incentives to keep already made bookings and more.

Under the old agreement US citizens were only allowed to explore Cuba with a tour from the ship and passengers were NOT allowed to talk individually to citizens or explore the city on their own.

There were a number of cruises from New York - primarily on Carnival Cruises which will now be altered to include replacement ports for anticipated stays in Cuba.
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=> NewShipNews - Information and News on Cruise Ships being built.



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