Looking Back.... Greek Line's Olympia / Caribe / Regal Empress


The video above is a great example of the ocean liners of yesterday. This video is of one of my favorite ships, Greek Line's TSS Olympia. The Olympia was built in Galscow Scotland in 1953 and carried passengers and cargo across the atlantic to Northern Europe and the Mediterranean.

This interesting video cover many aspects of the journey including the voyage from a crew perspective, passenger perspective, handling of cargo, the navigation equiptment, engine room and more.

The TSS Olympia operated for Greek Line from 1953 to the early 1970s. The ship was purchased by Sally Line / Commodore Cruises and extensively refitted. The TSS Olympia's engines were renovated as well re-emerging as the Caribe I. As part of the 1983 refit, she lost her stylish funnel and which was replaced with stove pipes with decorative panels leaned against the pipes to hide them.

The ship was later refitted with a more traditional funnel and was eventuality sold to  XXXX and became Regal Empress (and may have been the Regal Prince for a short time). As the Regal Empress the ship sailed from New York to New England / Canada and Florida and the Bahamas. The Caribe spent the winters sailing from Tampa.

Eventually Regal Cruises went bankrupt and the Regal Empress was sold to Imperial Majesty Cruises where she sailed for them for 5 years  before being sold to Indian Breakers in April 2009. She was renamed Regal Tmpress and arrived at Alang, India on June 18 and was beached on 24 July 2009.


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